# of Days a Week Before School
After School
5 Days $215 $425
4 Days $189 $352
3 Days $158 $294
2 Days $126 $220
1 Day $74 $130

Students attending the Afterschool program fewer than five days per week will be charged an additional $30 for early release days, as they occur and if your child is scheduled to attend that day. This fee is charged whether your student is present or absent, if that day is part of their regular schedule. You will be billed for early release days as they occur. Tuition payments are made monthly at the beginning of each month.

Monthly tuition rates are billed in ProCare on the 1st of the month and due immediately. A $10.00 late fees will be charged on the 11th of the month to any outstanding accounts. 

Failure to pay tuition for two consecutive months will result in immediate termination from the program.

Rates are subject to change with 30 days’ notice.


Monthly Tuition Payments

The online payment system will not allow you to make a payment until your monthly tuition is billed to the account. Accounts are automatically billed on the 1st of the month through ProCare and are due by the 10th. You will receive an error message if you try to make a tuition payment before the 1st of the month. 

End of Year Statements

Statements for payments made during 2023 can be accessed through your ProCare account.