Bullying Prevention and Intervention, Discrimination and Harrassment


Notice of non-discrimination

No person shall be excluded from or discriminated against in admission to a public school of any town or in obtaining the advantages, privileges, and courses of study of such public school on account of race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability. 


Bullying Prevention and Intervention

The Littleton Public School District is committed to providing all students with a safe learning environment that is free from bullying and cyberbullying.

The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan is a comprehensive approach for preventing, intervening, and responding to incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, and retaliation.

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan



The Littleton Public School District promotes reporting a suspected bullying incident in the following three ways: 

  • Students, parents or community members who see or hear of a suspected bullying incident may report the incident directly in person to a school administrator.  
  • Students, parents or community members who do not wish to discuss a suspected bullying incident in person, are encouraged to complete an incident reporting form. A copy of the form is available. Upon completion of the form, it may be printed and given to the respective school administrator. If the reporter is not sure of the school the student(s) attends, the form can be delivered to the Office of the Superintendent on the 3rd floor of the Town Offices located at 33 Shattuck Street. Copies of the form are also available in the  main office of each school, and the school counseling office of each school. They may also be available in other locations of each school as determined by the principal.
  • Students, parents or community members who would prefer to submit a suspected bullying report form electronically may use this link. Upon submission of the form, it will be sent to the District and respective school administrator(s).


Title IX Grievance Process


Civil Rights Procedures 


Training Presentation - Civil Rights, Harassment & Bullying