English Language Education

Littleton Public Schools strives to assist every English learner (EL) in attaining English proficiency. An English learner is a student who does not speak English or whose native language is not English, and who is not currently able to perform ordinary classroom work in English. 

Vision: To further build cooperative and reciprocal relationships among ESL teachers, content teachers, support staff, administrators, families and the community in order to foster students' content knowledge, participation, and sense of belonging while improving their English language skills. 

Mission: To develop students' English Proficiency in all four domains to the extent that they strive for excellence and can succeed fully in general education classes and graduate from high school with college and career readiness in order to be successful, contributing citizens in a global society. Our mission extends to students' cultural and social adjustment and emotional well-being. 

ELL Staff

Lyn Snow - Director of English Learner Education

Sue Pettengill - ELL Teacher

Sharon Kampersal - ELL Teacher