Updates From The School Health Office - 4/13/23

Updates From The School Health Office - 4/13/23

Spring is here and so are ticks!

Check for ticks from head to toe after being outdoors and remove promptly

Spring ticks can be as small as a sesame seed

Use insect repellent that contains DEET, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus except on children under 3 y.o.

If a tick was attached for 36 hours or more, consult a doctor

Know common symptoms of Lyme disease which include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans (bulls-eye rash)

Click   HERE for more information on Lyme disease and tick-borne illnesses.
Spring Allergies:

For students with seasonal allergies, please remember to give any maintenance medicine in the morning before school to help with symptoms throughout the day.

If you child takes any allergy medication while in school, please have the physician write an order and make arrangements to drop off medication

For more tips on seasonal allergy management please visit:  HERE

Allies in Recovery

AlliesinRecovery.net – FREE membership for all Massachusetts residents.
If you are navigating the situation with a loved one who is mis-using alcohol or drugs, sign up for a FREE membership at AlliesinRecovery.net. The online program for families gives support and training around getting a loved one on the road to recovery, with a focus on greatly improving your communication and interactions, on getting them into treatment, and reducing the stress of the whole family. You’ll learn CRAFT, a powerful, evidence-based approach to improve outcomes for families who have a loved one with substance use disorder (SUD). Sign up with your local zip code for a FREE membership and get access to: self-guided eLearning modules, a Q&A blog where you can pose your own question, weekly podcasts, and live weekly Zoom support groups and training groups.